The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy in Cape Town has started its examination classes for drama on Saturday afternoons. Linking with the Trinity College, London, examination board, children and adults in the Academy can now work towards their performance, and world-recognised, qualifications through this University.
Trinity College is one of the leaders in the world in international drama qualifications and many of our students will now get the opportunity to prepare for these awards.
“ The schemes of work devised for the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy reveal an imaginative and sensitive approach to the personal growth of children through the performing arts.” – Trinity College, London.
We will be offering the Speech and Drama (Solo) Grades from Trinity College Grade 1-8 Examinations. We will be following their Acting and Speaking Syllabus. Classes will be held on Saturdays at the Athenaeum in Newlands where we already run our classes.
Class Fees
R340 per term for a half-hour session during the Academy’s school terms. Students MUST attend the Helen O’Grady classes either in our Private Studios or at our Schools. The reason for this is much of the improvisational, speech and movement elements are covered in the Helen O’Grady curriculum.
The Trinity Examination
Students will be entered for the solo examinations in June 2017. On assessment, the teacher will recommend to the students which examination they will work towards. This 2016 examination fees are as follows and will likely go up a little next year, but this give you a rough guide as to how much you would spend:
Grade 1: R430 (10 minute examination), Grade 2: R495 (12 minute examination), Grade 3: R580 (14 minute examination), Grade 4: R730 (16 minute solo performance examination), Grade 5: R760 (18 minute examination), Grade 6: R850 (20 minute examination), Grade 7: R990 (23 minute examination), Grade 8:R1070 (25 minute solo performance examination)
Class Times
School Grade R&1 Saturday 3-3.30 pm (Trinity Grade 1 Examination)
School Grades 2&3 Saturday 3.30-4 pm (Trinity Grade 2 Examination)
School Grades 4&5 Saturday 4-4.30 pm (Trinity Grade 3, 4 Examination)
School Grades 6&7 Saturday 4.30-5 pm (Trinity Grade 4, 5 Examination)
School Grades 8,9,10 Saturday 2-2.30 pm (Trinity Grades 5, 6,7 Examination)
School Grades 11&12 & Adults Saturday 3.30-4 pm (Trinity Grades 8 Examination)
Our places for this course are limited so please register your interest as soon as possible. We can only take 10 children or Adults per class.
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