‘Taught me to be confident and comfortable in my own skin'

Lisa Holtzhausen, who is now studying veterinary science, owns much of her confidence and self-esteem to the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy. Lisa attended the Academy from 2006 - 2009 in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The Academy is celebrating 20 years of operation throughout Africa this year and we are asking our past students to comment about the difference drama has made in their lives, and the difference is dramatic!

Lisa says: "Helen O'Grady drama classes, apart from being a great break from an otherwise stressful lifestyle, taught me to be confident and comfortable in my own skin. 

"We didn't even realise how much we were learning about understanding different people, thinking on our feet, and working as a team. I never walked away from class without a smile and at least one good belly laugh!”

Many teenagers experience at school involves losing individuality and self-esteem through peer pressure. The Helen O’Grady drama classes teaches children to believe in themselves and to aspire to great things. 
The Helen O’Grady Drama classes teach children and adults how to think positively. Positive thoughts have a huge influence on our own well being. Often in life, we are thrown negativity from different angles but it is the confident and positive people who are able to weather these storms. 

Learning to accept yourself in a nurturing environment is important for all of us. At the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy we celebrate each person’s uniqueness and diversity. The programme encourages children to explore their relationships with others and also their relationship with themselves. Learning to respect each other is a huge part of the training.

Like our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/helenogradycapetown

For more information, head to our website: www.dramaafrica.com
