After many years of running the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy’s primary drama classes in Hout Bay, the Academy has now opened the famous international youth theatre programme which aims to develop students in film, theatre and television at the Museum Hall, opposite Kronendal Primary School.
The performance arts programme runs in many countries worldwide and it is an amazing opportunity for high school students who wish to pursue their passion in acting. Likewise young people who want to gain confidence in speaking and communication this is a great opportunity in a fun environment. Students always make friends for life from our classes and training in empathy for others is a particular valuable life-skill which comes out of our programme.
The highlight of this year is the performance of ‘Macbeth’ at the Magnet Theatre. The Academy always trains young performers in different genre of theatre. This year, using Shakespeare’s 'Scottish Play’, students will use mask work to bring out the amazing themes.
Many Cape Town’s Youth Theatre students regularly appear in television, film and on the stage. The Academy’s casting agency ‘Aardvark Casting’ gives students lots of opportunities to shine.
For more information, head to our website
Facebook page:
Telephone: 021 6747478
The performance arts programme runs in many countries worldwide and it is an amazing opportunity for high school students who wish to pursue their passion in acting. Likewise young people who want to gain confidence in speaking and communication this is a great opportunity in a fun environment. Students always make friends for life from our classes and training in empathy for others is a particular valuable life-skill which comes out of our programme.
The highlight of this year is the performance of ‘Macbeth’ at the Magnet Theatre. The Academy always trains young performers in different genre of theatre. This year, using Shakespeare’s 'Scottish Play’, students will use mask work to bring out the amazing themes.
Many Cape Town’s Youth Theatre students regularly appear in television, film and on the stage. The Academy’s casting agency ‘Aardvark Casting’ gives students lots of opportunities to shine.
For more information, head to our website
Facebook page:
Telephone: 021 6747478
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