The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy recently opened its new studio to develop young actors in the Grassy Park area of Cape Town. Classes not only develop performance arts skills in children using the Academy’s international drama programme, but classes are designed to training children in clear, articulate speech.
The Academy believes that communication is the key to success in life. If you can communicate well, you will have lifelong success. Part of training in drama is about developing empathy with others and a greater understanding of how to read body language and each other’s communication nuances. By being able to read other people properly, we are able to better communicate with them.
The Academy also has a casting agency attached Aardvark Casting attached and children can sign up for free for opportunities in film, television and theatre. This is another opportunity to take their talents further.
The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy’s programme runs from aged 3-18 with different classes for different age-groups. In Grassy Park, the classes are held at the Good Shepherd Church Hall, which is opposite Grassy Park Primary School. Classes are held on Thursdays at the following times:
Grade R-3 3-4 pm
Grade 4-6 4-5 pm
Grade 7-12 5-6 pm
For more information, head to our website
Telephone: 021 6747478
The Academy believes that communication is the key to success in life. If you can communicate well, you will have lifelong success. Part of training in drama is about developing empathy with others and a greater understanding of how to read body language and each other’s communication nuances. By being able to read other people properly, we are able to better communicate with them.
The Academy also has a casting agency attached Aardvark Casting attached and children can sign up for free for opportunities in film, television and theatre. This is another opportunity to take their talents further.
The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy’s programme runs from aged 3-18 with different classes for different age-groups. In Grassy Park, the classes are held at the Good Shepherd Church Hall, which is opposite Grassy Park Primary School. Classes are held on Thursdays at the following times:
Grade R-3 3-4 pm
Grade 4-6 4-5 pm
Grade 7-12 5-6 pm
For more information, head to our website
Telephone: 021 6747478
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