The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy has been running its international drama programme at Bergvliet Primary for many years now. It is evident from this programme, which spans the entire school from Grade R- Grade 7, that drama classes taught by professionals really do make a difference in the lives of each and every child.
Many other schools have taken on the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy’s school drama programme as a result of seeing the work done at Bergvliet Primary. Schools such as Spine Road High School and Square Hill Primary now also use the programme thanks to their principals seeing the programme in action with their own schools.
At Bergvliet Primary, every child throughout the school gets an opportunity to perform on stage - no child is just a tree! The proactive nature of the productions gives children the opportunity to gain confidence when speaking in front of large audiences and through the raising of self-esteem, they become self-assured themselves.
This year, celebrating the 400th anniversary since Shakespeare’s death, the Grade 7 classes at Bergvliet Primary will be performing in a Shakespeare festival at the school. Parents will be able to watch these learners on the stage performing some of the Bard’s classics including ‘Romeo and Juliet’, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream and ‘Macbeth’.
The Academy’s drama programme for schools in Cape Town is an educational process which covers the National Curriculum (CAPS) but many more aspects. Schools who invest in drama as a subject are seeing the huge results not only in children creativity and confidence in communication but this also filters into the Academy achievement.
For more information about our international programme for schools in Cape Town, contact us on 021 6747478
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