The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy has been running its international drama programme for children for many years in Hout Bay. At a recent parents day a number of parents commented on their children’s progress and said how their children were achieving top marks in communication related subjects such as English and orals at school owing the confidence in communication through the Academy’s international programme.
Children come from many schools in Hout Bay, including the Hout Bay international school and Kronendal Primary. The programme runs at the Museum Hall on Andrews Road in Hout Bay.
Children are taught in two different age groups on Monday afternoons:
3-4 pm (Lower Primary): Grade R- Grade 3
4-5 pm (Upper Primary): Grade 4 - Grade 7
The programme develops confidence, self-esteem, communication and performance skills using an international drama curriculum. We bring out the best in each and every child.
Over 3000 children attend classes each week in Cape Town using this amazing programme and taught by expert teachers who are exceptionally well trained in the implementation of this curriculum.
For more information and to keep updated please go to our Facebook page:
Or head to our website:
Telephone 021 6747478
Here are some photos of our teacher, Heleen, in action with the children of Hout Bay.
Children come from many schools in Hout Bay, including the Hout Bay international school and Kronendal Primary. The programme runs at the Museum Hall on Andrews Road in Hout Bay.
Children are taught in two different age groups on Monday afternoons:
3-4 pm (Lower Primary): Grade R- Grade 3
4-5 pm (Upper Primary): Grade 4 - Grade 7
The programme develops confidence, self-esteem, communication and performance skills using an international drama curriculum. We bring out the best in each and every child.
Over 3000 children attend classes each week in Cape Town using this amazing programme and taught by expert teachers who are exceptionally well trained in the implementation of this curriculum.
For more information and to keep updated please go to our Facebook page:
Or head to our website:
Telephone 021 6747478
Here are some photos of our teacher, Heleen, in action with the children of Hout Bay.
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