For nearly 20 years the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy has been running its international drama programme at the St Thomas Church Hall in Rondebosch, next to the entrance to Bishops High School, and the classes are even more exciting than ever before. Using the Academy’s international curriculum, which develops creative thinkers and highly skilled communicators.
Here you can see our teacher Dana Pesskin in action with the wonderful children of Rondebosch. Children this term work towards a workshop performance of the curriculum at the end of the term and then at the end of the year, children perform in a professional theatre - singing, dancing and acting.
The programme is designed for two age-groups on Tuesday afternoons:
Lower Primary (Grade R-3) 3-4 pm
Upper Primary (Grade 4-6) 4-5 pm
Lots of these children have been with us for many years and they are incredibly good, kind, compassionate and confident kids.
For more information about our programme, head to our website:
Like our Facebook page:
Telephone: 021 6747478
Here you can see our teacher Dana Pesskin in action with the wonderful children of Rondebosch. Children this term work towards a workshop performance of the curriculum at the end of the term and then at the end of the year, children perform in a professional theatre - singing, dancing and acting.
The programme is designed for two age-groups on Tuesday afternoons:
Lower Primary (Grade R-3) 3-4 pm
Upper Primary (Grade 4-6) 4-5 pm
Lots of these children have been with us for many years and they are incredibly good, kind, compassionate and confident kids.
For more information about our programme, head to our website:
Like our Facebook page:
Telephone: 021 6747478
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