We believe in the Helen O’Grady that each child is able to learn how to be kind and compassionate. Through our amazing international programme, our teachers are trained how to develop respect for each other.
Alfie Kohn who wrote ‘The Brighter Side of Human Nature: Altruism and Empathy in Everyday Life’ stated that "If you treat your kid as if he's always up to no good, soon he will be up to no good," Kohn cautions. "But if you assume that he does want to help and is concerned about other people's needs, he will tend to live up to those expectations.”
In the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy, we believe in helping the children to model their behaviour on our own teacher’s positivity. Through doing so they quickly see that being a positive person actually has better outcomes and rewards.
Part of developing compassionate children is about learning to treat each other with respect. Within the class we constantly show children ways of teaching respect by for instance listening to what others have to say and responding in a kind way.
One important part of learning empathy is to read people’s facial expression. The Academy’s training in the dramatic arts really does focus on this non verbal form of communication. Kohn said: "We are more likely to reach out to other people in need when we are able to imagine how the world looks from someone else's point of view.”
Within the class, our teachers will constantly affirm that laughing at someone else’s misfortune is actually not funny at all. Also our mantra is that no-one gets hurt in drama - feelings and bodies. Children need to know that saying hurtful words or excluding them from a group is not kind.
Classes are constructed in a nurturing environment so that children learn to care for the other children in the class and by doing so we acknowledge kindness of others. Teachers show how patience and kindness always wins.
Principal of the Cape Town Academy, Duncan Rice, says ‘ We acknowledge the huge role that drama can play in developing children with kindness and compassion. Therefore our teachers are trained to help children to understand how to resolve conflict with a more empathetic approach. Much of the role-play performed during the drama sessions helps children to see the other side.’
Here you can see our children in the after school drama classes at St Joseph’s Marist College in Rondebosch Cape Town. Children from age 4 - 18 attend drama classes in this wonderful school, which really does promote kindness in all children.
For more information about our classes in Cape Town, head to our website: www.dramaafrica.com
Like our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/helenogradycapetown
Telephone: 021 6747478
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