The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy is proud of its long tradition of offering after school drama programmes (extra-mural activities) in Cape Town. For nearly 20 years now the Academy has been operating in Cape Town and 35 years internationally.
Research has shown that children who attend after school drama programme are more likely to achieve better academically, socially and take on leadership roles.
One of the top schools in Cape Town which uses the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy’s international curriculum is Islamia College, a very large muslim school in Cape Town. Parents of this school realise the importance of developing excellent communication skills so that their children will have a head start in their lives ahead.
Duncan Rice, Principal of the Academy, says ‘Our schools programmes are fantastic as children very quickly develop in communication and confidence. Being able to speak clearly and articulately is an important life-skill and our programme, in a fun, focuses on good voice and communication through the dramatic arts.’
For more information about our programmes, head to our website:
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Telephone 021 6747478
Research has shown that children who attend after school drama programme are more likely to achieve better academically, socially and take on leadership roles.
One of the top schools in Cape Town which uses the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy’s international curriculum is Islamia College, a very large muslim school in Cape Town. Parents of this school realise the importance of developing excellent communication skills so that their children will have a head start in their lives ahead.
Duncan Rice, Principal of the Academy, says ‘Our schools programmes are fantastic as children very quickly develop in communication and confidence. Being able to speak clearly and articulately is an important life-skill and our programme, in a fun, focuses on good voice and communication through the dramatic arts.’
For more information about our programmes, head to our website:
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Telephone 021 6747478
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