Drama classes give children the confidence to speak clearly!

The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy is famous for developing confidence in communication throughout the world. To be able to speak clearly and articulately in any language is a gift indeed - these skills taught in a fun way in drama classes give children a head start in life.

Often children from a young age battle and sometimes get frustrated when they do not have the language to express themselves. Also, speech impediments can also play a role in children not wanting to communicate. And sometimes children just lack overall confidence to speak out caused by the fear of failure.

Drama classes, taught in the correct way, using lots of group work, can quickly overcome any shyness or lack of confidence, and as well, help those who have difficulties forming words with their tongues, mouth, and lips - their articulatory organs.

Duncan Rice, Principal of the Cape Town Academy, says: ‘For many years internationally, the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy has been helping children to speak articulately and with confidence. Children who attend our classes find interviews and school public speaking really easy. Many of our parents comment on the amazing marks children get at school in the oral language work. People who can communicate their personality at interview are more likely to get a good job in the future and this is why these skills are so important to develop from a young age.”

The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy in Cape Town is probably the largest drama school of its kind in the world with over 3000 children attending classes each week in the Cape Town metropole. It is also one of the premiere Helen O’Grady Drama Academy branches. 

Duncan says: ‘It is simple, we follow and international curriculum which has been developed over 35 years internationally to bring out children’s natural abilities through positivity and nurturing - our children and parents love our classes.’

Here you can see two of our teachers Heleen and Sunette developing good speech techniques with the children of Islamia College in Cape Town.

For more information, contact us 021 6747478

Like our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/helenogradycapetown

