Do you want your child to achieve academically? Micklefield School in Cape Town shows how this works!

Having drama programmes in schools really does enhance children's academic achievement. This is because drama really does stimulate language, comprehension and creative development. And schools which don't offer drama as a subject or a club are losing out big time. Micklefield School in Cape Town, shows how drama can really help with academic achievement as part of an all-round curriculum and club programme for children. 

Students in the USA involved in drama performance coursework or experience outscored non-arts students on the 2005 SAT by an average of 65 points in the verbal component and 34 points in the math component

Many studies  have demonstrated that there is a direct correlation between drama involvement and academic achievement. In addition to this students who attend drama classes often improve in reading comprehension, better attendance at school, and are more engaged in the educational process. Even schools in low-income areas with drama programmes show high academic achievement. 

What is even more amazing, schools with arts-integrated programs, even in low-income areas, report high academic achievement.
The College Entrance Examination Board reported student scores from 2001, 2002, 2004, and 2005 using data from the Student Description Questionnaire indicating student involvement in various activities, including the arts. As compared to their peers with no arts coursework or involvement:
  • Students involved in drama performance scored an average of 65.5 points higher on the verbal component and 35.5 points higher in the math component of the SAT
  • Students who took courses in drama study or appreciation scored, on average, 55 points higher on verbal and 26 points higher on math than their non-arts classmates.
  • In 2005, students involved in drama performance outscored the national average SAT score by 35 points on the verbal portion and 24 points on the math section. 
The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy runs extensive programmes in schools to develop children's confidence, self-esteem, communication and performance arts skills. The Academy in Cape Town regularly hears from parents about the achievements of children thanks to the drama. 

Even psychologists recommend this programme for children as it also helps in enhancing their overall self-confidence and socialisation skills.

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