The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy is pleased to announce that children's drama classes start on Saturday, 7th February in Atlantis, Cape Town. The Academy is one of the largest drama schools in the world with over 3,000 children attending classes each week and we are very proud to offer this incredible programme for the children of Atlantis.
The programme involves developing children in confidence, self-esteem, communication and performance skills and runs internationally throughout Africa and the world. For more information about the programme you can head to our website:
Classes will be held at the Avondale Library Hall on Saturday mornings from 9-12 pm. The cost is R204 per month.
Class Times are as follows:
Lower Primary (Beginner's course) Grades R-3 9-10 am
Upper Primary (Intermediate course) Grades 4-6 10-11 am
Youth Theatre (Advanced course) Grades 7-12 11am - 12 noon
Please telephone us on 021 6747478
or go to our website for more info or to enrol
Free trial lessons are available, contact our office for more information.
The programme involves developing children in confidence, self-esteem, communication and performance skills and runs internationally throughout Africa and the world. For more information about the programme you can head to our website:
Classes will be held at the Avondale Library Hall on Saturday mornings from 9-12 pm. The cost is R204 per month.
Class Times are as follows:
Lower Primary (Beginner's course) Grades R-3 9-10 am
Upper Primary (Intermediate course) Grades 4-6 10-11 am
Youth Theatre (Advanced course) Grades 7-12 11am - 12 noon
Please telephone us on 021 6747478
or go to our website for more info or to enrol
Free trial lessons are available, contact our office for more information.
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