A big thumbs up for Spine Road High School's first Shakespeare evening!

Wow! What magnificent performances from our 'Romeo and Juliet' cast from the Grade 8!  Under the direction of Michelle Nothnagel, these children have really excelled in their understanding of the play and their acting showed this on stage. Spine Road High School introduced drama to the Grade 8s this year and it has been a huge success. The huge learning process for the children means that they fully understand the major themes and plots of this fantastic play.

Empowering children is what the Academy is about and this production has shown that we:

Empower them to have confidence in communication.
Empower them to be expressive in language.
Empower them to have a respect for each other.
Empower them to be able to improvise.
Empower them for enthusiasm for life.

For more information about our programme and how we teach Shakespeare to children in an imaginative and exciting way, contact us on 021 6747478


