The words 'not on your Nellie' was originally rhyming slang 'not on your Nellie Duff' which rhymes with 'puff' so in other words not on your 'life' or 'breath'.
Funny that this rhyming slang term unlocks the secret to how we train children and adults to NOT have stage fright. It is all in the breath! Breath is our life force! Without it, we would die. Sadly today children in schools are not trained to breath properly and use the breath as a tool.
We all know, when we get excited or tense our breath speeds up and when we are calm our breath slows down. To be trained to breath properly enables us to calm ourselves. Long deep breaths actually help us when we are feeling worried about something.
The other thing that the Academy trains in children in adults is to enjoy the experience of acting on the stage. So often for various psychological reasons caused though our school, we lose the ability to stand and speak in front of others. In the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy we slow build public speaking skills through a fun and positive learning environment so that our students actually thrive on the stage.
These photos show the children of Bergvliet Primary Grade 1 class performing in the 'Hare and the Tortoise' and thoroughly enjoying the whole experience thanks to our brilliant Vice-Principal, Sunette Strydom, who is their teacher and mentor. This love of performing and public speaking will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
For more information this international programme for children, contact us on 021 6747478 or head to our website
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