Research has shown that children who are given opportunities for free play (ad-libbing skills in drama) are more likely to read better, think creatively and be able to problem solve.

Here you can see our children from our Goodwood drama school rehearsing for their annual production. The skills taught from an early age in the Academy cannot be underestimated.

The Academy's productions are amazing because of the way in which improvisation is taught using a highly educational international curriculum. Each whole class improvisation has at least 4 or 5 opportunities of ad-libbing  for free and sustained language throughout the improvisation. The ad-libbing makes the play fun and exciting for the children and because children love this freedom to be able to make up lines and talk, they become spontaneous communicators.

Play is the foundation for all learning for young children, and giving children the time to do this with a variety of valuable learning opportunities. “Play is how children begin to understand and process their world,” says Angie Rupan, Program Coordinator for Child Development Centre in South San Francisco,  and an early childhood educator for over 20 years. “Children's play unlocks their creativity and imagination, and develops reading, thinking, and problem solving skills as well as further develops motor skills. It provides the base foundation for learning.”

In our fast paced and high tech society, children have fewer and fewer opportunities to use and develop their creativity. Children who are not given frequent opportunities to play may have a difficult time entertaining themselves as they simply do not know what to do without instruction. By providing opportunities for open ended play in our improvisations,  we will automatically get her creative juices flowing, and the possibilities become endless for the children. What is more, the children will LOVE the improvisation.

Here you can see our warm, loving teacher in action with the children of Goodwood at the Goodwood Library.

For more information about our international drama school in Cape Town, contact us on 021 6747478 or head to our website
