The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy runs its Holiday Stage School during the July and December Holidays in Cape Town. Students learn the art of Musical theatre with expert teachers who bring out the best in all the children. They are divided into three age-groups 5-8 years, 9-12 years and 13-18. During the July Holidays students work on skills with a short 'workshop' performance on the final day.
During the December Holidays, the Academy has become famous throughout Africa for doing a musical in a week. Students from Nigeria and Kenya regularly attend the Academy's holiday programmes and take many performance arts skills including dance, acting and singing.
Here is youtube video of our very youngest doing their singing training with our wonderfully enthusiastic teachers.
During the December Holidays, the Academy has become famous throughout Africa for doing a musical in a week. Students from Nigeria and Kenya regularly attend the Academy's holiday programmes and take many performance arts skills including dance, acting and singing.
Here is youtube video of our very youngest doing their singing training with our wonderfully enthusiastic teachers.
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