The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy runs its fantastic Adult Drama Programme in Newlands. Classes run throughout the year and people can join at any time. Our expert teacher, Niki Hodson, is the tutor of these classes. She is a fantastic actress herself and will offer much to these classes from her own experience. Our adults come for many reasons and last night's first class was no exception:
1. Improving overall confidence and self-esteem.
2. To perform better at castings for film.
3. To improve communication and presentation skills for business.
4. To build up radio presentation skills.
5. To help lawyers with delivery in court.
6. To have a hour of fun.
7. To learn new acting skills.
8. To do something new for themselves.
9. To overcome shyness when dealing with customers.
Our programme will definitely help with all of this and more. The highlight of the year is theatre production.
1. Improving overall confidence and self-esteem.
2. To perform better at castings for film.
3. To improve communication and presentation skills for business.
4. To build up radio presentation skills.
5. To help lawyers with delivery in court.
6. To have a hour of fun.
7. To learn new acting skills.
8. To do something new for themselves.
9. To overcome shyness when dealing with customers.
Our programme will definitely help with all of this and more. The highlight of the year is theatre production.
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