The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy's fantastic drama school runs on Wednesdays under the direction of our wonderful teacher, Samantha Tunnah. The children always follow the Academy's international drama programme to develop confidence, self-esteem, communication and performance arts skills. Students in these wonderful classes will begin work on their end of year productions next week. The highlight of the year, the children perform in a professional theatre in Cape Town, showing their excellent performance skills taught by the Academy.
The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy's fantastic drama school runs on Wednesdays under the direction of our wonderful teacher, Samantha Tunnah. The children always follow the Academy's international drama programme to develop confidence, self-esteem, communication and performance arts skills. Students in these wonderful classes will begin work on their end of year productions next week. The highlight of the year, the children perform in a professional theatre in Cape Town, showing their excellent performance skills taught by the Academy.
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