Helen O'Grady Drama Academy opens its Academic Year in Milnerton

The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy has started the new year with lots of Dramatic Action. Principal, Duncan Rice, took the first class in Milnerton and it clearly is going to be a fantastic year of development for all the children concerned. Being one of the largest drama schools in the world, the Cape Town drama school has classes all over the Peninsula in the following locations: Fish Hoek, Hout Bay, Rondebosch, Newlands, Plumstead, Mitchell's Plain,  Camps Bay, Bonteheuwel, Milnerton, Edgemead and Goodwood. The Academy also runs its world acclaimed programme in many schools including Herschel Preparatory, Micklefield, Bergvliet Primary, John Graham Primary, Star International, Star of the Sea Convent School, Arlie Pre Preparatory, Little Greenies, Windsor High School, Islamia Primary School, Rondebosch East Primary  French School.
