The Grade 1s at Bergvliet Primary premiered a new play written for the international network of the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy. The play, written by Beth Daniel, Angela Doidge, Gavin Pollock and the principal, Duncan Rice, is about how the Animals in Africa got together to give lion his roar! This play is actually deals with one of the major aims of the Academy to give every child a strong voice. Children who are able to speak clearly, with confidence, with have lifelong success. The Helen O'Grady Drama system very quickly develops these skills.
The Grade 1s at Bergvliet Primary premiered a new play written for the international network of the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy. The play, written by Beth Daniel, Angela Doidge, Gavin Pollock and the principal, Duncan Rice, is about how the Animals in Africa got together to give lion his roar! This play is actually deals with one of the major aims of the Academy to give every child a strong voice. Children who are able to speak clearly, with confidence, with have lifelong success. The Helen O'Grady Drama system very quickly develops these skills.
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