Set in a mythical land of storybook characters, the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy's production of 'Storyland' traced these fictional characters and the problems they were having with their plots. They called for the New Ideas to come to the rescue and rewrite some of the familiar tales. Bergvliet Primary Children were fantastic and, having had the programme for three years now, you can definitely see the difference drama has made in these young lives, developing confidence and excellent communication skills
Set in a mythical land of storybook characters, the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy's production of 'Storyland' traced these fictional characters and the problems they were having with their plots. They called for the New Ideas to come to the rescue and rewrite some of the familiar tales. Bergvliet Primary Children were fantastic and, having had the programme for three years now, you can definitely see the difference drama has made in these young lives, developing confidence and excellent communication skills
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