The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy's annual Grade 4 Productions at Bergvliet Primary were absolutely wonderful. Storyland, which involved the rewriting of some of the world's best know stories, was a huge success. What was particularly noticeable this year was the incredible power in the voices of these young people. The Academy does not use microphones to amplify the children's voices, and the three years that the Academy has been running Bergvliet Primary's drama programme has really paid off because of the great power in these young people's voices.
The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy's annual Grade 4 Productions at Bergvliet Primary were absolutely wonderful. Storyland, which involved the rewriting of some of the world's best know stories, was a huge success. What was particularly noticeable this year was the incredible power in the voices of these young people. The Academy does not use microphones to amplify the children's voices, and the three years that the Academy has been running Bergvliet Primary's drama programme has really paid off because of the great power in these young people's voices.
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