New Principals from the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy, Janet Irwin and Carlyn Irwin attended training at the Old Mill Theatre in Paarl, along with our German exchange student, Inga Baumgarde. A fantastic time was had by all and the students received expert tuition from these wonderfully talented people. The Academy runs drama classes in the area in Paarl, Wellington and Worcester.
New Principals from the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy, Janet Irwin and Carlyn Irwin attended training at the Old Mill Theatre in Paarl, along with our German exchange student, Inga Baumgarde. A fantastic time was had by all and the students received expert tuition from these wonderfully talented people. The Academy runs drama classes in the area in Paarl, Wellington and Worcester.
Lovely to see the Irwin's in action in Cape Town - I can see the light shining from their hearts - well done Duncan and Gavin.