The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy runs classes at Herschel Preparatory School, one of South Africa's top schools. This year the Grade 7s wrote the music and words to a fabulous production called 'Slave'. Our visiting Principals from Zambia watched in awe as these amazing girls performed excerpts from this musical. The Grade 6 classes were entertained by the Principals and Teachers of the Academy as they ran a workshop during their class time. It is the schools with great foresight who include drama as an integral part of the curriculum. Drama develops confidence, communication skills, spontaneity and creative skills. Not only this but the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy's curriculum helps with presentation, public speaking and performance skills.
The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy runs classes at Herschel Preparatory School, one of South Africa's top schools. This year the Grade 7s wrote the music and words to a fabulous production called 'Slave'. Our visiting Principals from Zambia watched in awe as these amazing girls performed excerpts from this musical. The Grade 6 classes were entertained by the Principals and Teachers of the Academy as they ran a workshop during their class time. It is the schools with great foresight who include drama as an integral part of the curriculum. Drama develops confidence, communication skills, spontaneity and creative skills. Not only this but the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy's curriculum helps with presentation, public speaking and performance skills.
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