Anneki Wilken, one of our students from Helen O'Grady Drama Academy in Stellebosch recently took a lead role in a new film called 'Antjie Somers' produced by Philipp Schier and directed by
Anna-lize Mostert. This was a horror film and many of the Academy's students from its other studios were used.
Jennifer Witts, the teacher of the Stellenbosch studio was incredibly proud of Anneki and the work she did. She is truly one of our stars! Here brother, Leo, also took a small supporting role in this film. Although our programme is about developing confidence, self-esteem and communication skills, the very nature of this performance arts course catapults many of our students into the film industry.Anna-lize Mostert. This was a horror film and many of the Academy's students from its other studios were used.
How Cool :-) Good luck!
ReplyDeleteStunning Anneki and Leo and the rest - Was hard work, but the AFDA students enjoyed your company, dedication, talent and humor.