The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy uses the Athenaeum in Newlands for our Saturday drama classes which are extremely popular as you can see from our Youth Theatre photos. We had a visiting student from Reunion Island this week and he fitted in really well to the classes with Beth, their wonderful teacher at the helm.
Many of these students would like to follow acting as a career, but also some of the students are there to improve their speaking abililty and overall confidence in front of other people. Our drama programme very quickly helps young people to be able to articulate in public and develops strong communication skills.
The Upper Primary class deminished this week because many of our students had sports matches and by the time we arrived there were four left in this class which normall has over 12 students!
The Lower Primary class is great, and fast-moving with Beth. Each child in the Academy is nutured to make sure they work and develop in a safe, caring environment.
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