The Helen O'Grady Drama Academy will again run its successful drama programme during the last week of the July Holidays and the first week of the December School Holidays in 2009. Last year many of our classes were fully booked.
Two separate programmes operate in the Northern Suburbs and the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town. This exciting programme trains students in musical theatre skills and the students come for three hours per day and cover an hour each of drama, dance and singing. At the end of the July holidays, the students demonstrate their skills with a short performance of each to the genre taught. The December programme involves the students rehearsing a musical in a week. Normally the programme in December is two weeks but the school holidays this year end late in South Africa so we can only do one week. The photos show our musical which the students wrote in conjunction with our teachers called, 'Slave!' based on a true story of a little girl who arrived in South Africa from India, and eventually took her slave family to court and won, becoming a free person. Students from our Academy in Lagos, Nigeria, joined us for the performance.
Please ring 021 6747478 or email or go to for further information or to book a place on this course.
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