Hee Haw! Yes, we move to Texas for the Grade 5 Plays at Sunlands Primary in Cape Town, South Africa

'The Cleanest Town in Texas', presented by the children of Grade 5 in Sunlands was amazing - full of life and vigour and they had the audience laughing all the way home. This is the first year that the children have participated in the Helen O'Grady plays which are designed to develop confidence and self-esteem in young people, as well as excellent communication skills.

The schools drama programmes run throughout South Africa's top schools and Sunlands is no exception in this regard. The school, over the last few years, has really started to put an emphasis on drama education for the all-round development of children.

For more information about this amazing programme for schools, contact us on 021 6747478 or head to our website www.dramaafrica.com
